While Facebook and Twitter are important social platforms, the best social media campaigns go the extra mile and look at other options to firmly establish a strong presence online. Engaging with your customers is one of the most important things for your business, and social media provides the best avenue for that.

Blogging can be useful not only for your own website but also even more useful as guest blogging opportunities present themselves. Guest blogging for relevant and qualified online publications (meaning relevant to your business and your audience and qualified in terms of search rank) is a key instrument to your success in brand development online.

This requires you to look beyond your corporate blog and get into the minds and eyes of audiences on potential blog partner sites. To do this as a DIY, be prepared to commit to this work daily in developing relationships, understanding new audiences, and writing and editing blog posts and articles

Remember that blog posts are meant to provide value, information, and entertainment to the reader. Not everyone can blog effectively. This is why business owners hire firms.

Blogging serves as a complement to this strategy, and here’s why:

Blogs help generate interest. Countless blogs are being updated everyday, and more and more people are using this as an essential marketing tool, and rightfully so. Adding articles and giving updates on any relevant news can pique a lot of people’s interest if done right. If they like your content, they’ll become curious about you, and go to your social networks (provided that there are social media buttons in place).

Blog posts last longer. Given the rapid pace of information in the online world, sometimes it’s difficult to find exactly what you need. On Facebook and Twitter, older posts are moved down to give way to newer ones, and if you leave a post long enough, it will disappear from the page, and searching for it is a bit of a hassle. Blogging websites such as WordPress and Blogger archive posts, and this saves you the trouble of swimming through hundreds of previous posts to get to the one you want to see. So if there is a particular article which caught your attention, you and other people can go back to it any time .

Blog posts can be shared on social media networks. Any interesting posts can be shared with other people, as long as you have social media buttons up. These are essentially your call-to-action buttons, and can give people the option to share your posts on their own profile. In a recent marketing study by Hubspot, 62 percent of respondents view blogging as critical for business.

Blogs help spread your ideas. A well-established blog can help influence an audience. It can get people talking.  When they start conversations, chances are they’re going to do it online –on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or their own blog. Get the buzz going –that’s how the best social media campaigns do it.

Blogs are a great way to become a leading authority on an idea or niche. Use them to create content which will attract like minded people. The information can start here as your base, then be shared to social channels

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